
a catalogue of my professional work

The Agency – Showtime

Screenshot Gallery One of my favorite shots, probably because I was still very hands-on at this point in time. Here, Cassie and Gavin are working their way through Bones Alley in Prague's notorious District 23. Cassie Nova and Gavin Eissen in ...
The Agency – Showtime

The Agency – From Pitch to Production

live the life... In February of 2005 the freshly opened Seattle branch of Sony Online Entertainment presented me with the opportunity of a lifetime: Bring massively multiplayer gaming to a mainstream audience. We would get to invent our own IP, design ...
The Agency – From Pitch to Production

Mythica – the Product

A Warriors Dreams Group combat in Mythica, circa 2003. Midgard outpost besieged by Hulderfolke A good look at the Demonologist in action Battling a massive Fire Giant Stormwright and Warrior take on a Fire Giant Siege Caster Up close and personal with a high level warrior Creepers ...
Mythica – the Product

Mythica – the Process

it starts with a concept... Mythica was about living the afterlife of a fallen Norse hero, leaving behind Asgard and the Halls of Odin to do battle against the fire giants. The player was but one of many such heroes brought ...
Mythica – the Process

Corey Dangel has been an Art Director for 15 years. He spent the last four years establishing the visual direction for The Agency, a critically anticipated title for PC and PS3. Prior to SOE, Corey spent nearly a dozen years living the life of an elite art director in the games division of Microsoft. Focused principally on online games, Corey spent his first tour of duty working on several groundbreaking titles including the Internet Gaming Zone, Fighter Ace, and Asherons Call. A two-year hiatus sent Corey to Cavedog/Humongous Entertainment where he helped bring the Total Annihilation franchise to the online world. A return to Microsoft had him working on a variety of PC and Xbox games, most notably Dungeon Siege, Psychonauts, and Mythica. Corey attended Western Washington University, where he graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Visual Communication. Outside of work, Corey pretends to be a rock star in his circularly referential band, AgentC. He makes a fine martini, too.

For more info: LinkedIn Profile

MGS – Dungeon Siege

Posted by Corey Dangel

art direction on cruise control… In isolation, the art direction tasks on Dungeon Siege were fairly light but given the number of tasks to juggle there was always plenty to do. In publishing you are typically covering multiple projects at the same time and I was reviewing artwork every day for Dungeon Siege, Asheron’s Call […]

Games for Kids

Posted by Corey Dangel

Incubating Greatness… I spent about a year as the Creative Director on a small team positioned inside of Microsoft’s incubation group. Our charter was to seed some creative games, targeted at kids, that took advantage of the Windows operating system and the features unique to personal computers (i.e. hard drive + ubiquitous mouse and keyboard). […]


Posted by Corey Dangel

the constant state of change Lured by the charisma of Scott Wallin and Ron Gilbert (creator of Maniac Mansion, Monkey Island and S.C.U.M), I left a fortune in Microsoft stock options to join the company that just released Total Annihilation. The game was a critical success, the studio was growing, and the opportunity looked to […]

MGS – Raven

Posted by Corey Dangel

a Before and After story… One of the first projects I received upon my return to Microsoft was working with an external team to develop a game and build IP around what was originally an Xbox tech demo called “Two to Tango”. It featured a very butch girl named Raven and her pet robot, Rex. […]

Flash Folio Y2K

Posted by Corey Dangel

The embedded flash file below is a high-level overview of my work from 1994-1999. It is intended to be narrated over as it contains a healthy mix of things I directed and things I created. For a full-size version click on this link. It will open up in a new window.


Posted by Corey Dangel

My resume covers the last 20 years of professional work.


Posted by Corey Dangel

a long time ago… No, seriously. Before grunge was a fad, before Curt Cobain was a household name, before the “internet” and multimedia, way back in the late 80s I started doing freelance design work under the moniker CDFX. Armed with a Macintosh barely powerful enough to control a modern microwave, I set out to […]

In the beginning…

Posted by Corey Dangel

The intent of this site is to cover the last 15 years of my professional life in a blog format. As the work of an Art Director is varied and complex, I feel that a text AND image friendly format allows me to speak the most clearly about my approach to design and art direction. […]

E3 2007 interview with Corey Dangel. 9 minutes.

Interview with Ten Ton Hammer

Posted by Corey Dangel

The Agency – Showtime

Posted by Corey Dangel

The Agency – From Pitch to Production

Posted by Corey Dangel

Mythica – the Product

Posted by Corey Dangel

Mythica – the Process

Posted by Corey Dangel

MGS – Psychonauts

Posted by Corey Dangel